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Rewards of Learning Online

All of you heard about online education and thought how amazing it would be to "focus" lectures, take exams, and cooperate with tutors and classmates through chat rooms, without going to any coaching centers or institutes?

Rewards of Learning Online


Tips for Parents & Teacher Meeting - Part III

You will lessen worry and irritation (nothing is more puzzling to the uninitiated than drifting around those look-alike school foyers difficult to find the exact classroom) and makes parents feel extra welcome.

See Further on



Skype for Academics

Skype, Skype for Academics
Skype for Academics

Earlier in this week I shared a post that explains the usefulness of Skype App in academics now I share with you here some different techniques of Skype, you can utilize Skype with or without headset, microphones, and/or speakers (in the text or pure image or visual form). To set up an...

Tips for Parents & Teacher Meeting

Parents & Teacher Meeting
Parents & Teacher Meeting

Tips for Parents & Teacher Meeting

Confusions are less common if parents hear what you have to say, and you'll be able to gauge the kind of support both parents give the child.

Personality to Adopt for becoming a Successful Businessman

Becoming a Successful Businessman

You only acquire out of your business what you are eager to set in it. This eventually means that if you benefit from doing what you do

Personality to Adopt for becoming a Successful Businessman